Saturday, August 2, 2008


Typhon is the final son of Gaia and is the god of wind. He was fathered by Tartarus. In another version he was born out of Hera in Delphi. Typhon's aim is to replace Zeus as supreme deity. Typhon was described as the most largest and grotesque of all the creatures. He had hundred heads and serpent tails. He was defeated by Zeus and placed Mount Etna over his body.

Typhon was described in more detail by Hesiod. He described him as a grisly monster with hundred serpent heads, dark flickering tongues, fiery eyes, and a hundred serpent tails.

He was whelped in a cave in Cilicia and confined in the land of Arimi. It is also where Zeus overcame him. The battle was not an easy one, Zeus was temporary blinded and confined to a cave. The titanic struggle created earthquakes and tsunamis. Finally Typhon was overcome by the thunderbolts of Zeus. Then he was thrown into Tarturus or as many believe was crushed by Mount Etna and confined beneath it. He also leaded the Titans, when they were send to kill Dionysus.

Thus he is the deity of Volcanoes as Hephaestus who is the civilised god.

He has fathered many children with Echidna, like Cerberus, Lernean Hydra, Nemean Lion, Chimera, Ladon, Sphinx and Orthus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....